Category: Oral History

  • Importance of Oral History

    Importance of Oral History

    This blog urges the importance of collecting the oral history.  Oral history are the stories that living individuals tell about their past or about the past of other people. Just from that statement alone there is a whole slew of reasons why oral history would be important but I will just cover six important reasons.   Education   There is a growing importance of…

  • What is Oral History?

    What is Oral History?

    Definition  To understand the meaning of oral history, a definition is in order.  So, what is history? I bet everyone reading this blog already knows exactly what history is from the teachings back in school. But I’ll tell you anyways. As taught at any level of education, history is an umbrella term that refers to past events told through memory discovery, collection, organization, presentation and interpretation of information about these events.    Sources…