Welcome to this six-part series where we’re going to look at areas that enable oral history transcription to run smoothly. There is a lot that goes into oral history transcription for both the transcriber and researcher so in each series we will try and cover what are the dos and don’ts and requirements and much more for transcribers and oral history researchers.
We will look at-
Human and Machine Transcription Advantages and Disadvantages In this part of the series, we’ll have a look at and compare human transcription and machine transcription. What they both entail as well as the advantages and disadvantages of both.
Transcription Equipment. In this part of the series, we’ll look at the necessary equipment for transcription and what benefit each has all the while enhancing your transcription experience.
Types of Transcription. Here we’ll have a look at and discuss the different types of transcriptions as well as try to help you figure out which audio transcription best suits you for your projects.
How to Format your Transcripts will be the fourth series. Here we’ll look at transcription from the researcher’s point of view. Meaning, how would researchers like their transcripts to turn out. What questions do they need to pose to themselves before getting into transcribing their audios? These questions include deciding on the cover page, how the speakers will be identified, whether or not to include timestamps and how often, if page numbers are necessary, consistency regarding the format, how to go about foreign language portion of the audio files, what spelling to use UK or US, and as well as whether the transcripts will be verbatim or intelligent or edited.
Transcription Mechanics. In this part of the series which will be the fifth, we’ll actually show you how to transcribe the interviews by sharing tips and guidelines on the mechanics of transcribing your oral history interviews.
Reviewing Transcripts. In the sixth and final part of the series, we’re going to guide you on how to best review your transcripts after they have been transcribed either by you the researcher or a transcription service company.
Let’s give it a go!