How to Ensure Authenticity in Oral History through Citation

How to Ensure Authenticity in Oral History through Citation

Oral history is a technique for generating and preserving original, historically interesting information, and to further its authenticity citing is necessary.  Citing sources of information is important for oral historians. It helps to acknowledge the work of others, as well as to avoid academic dishonesty, or plagiarism. Now there are many formats that citing can take like the APA style, the MLA style or even the MHRA style. But in this blog we’re going to look at what to include in basic formatting when it comes to citing sources.

Narrator’s name

The Name of the Narrator

This just includes the name of the person giving their experience in relation to the oral history study.  Sometimes the narrator may decide to use a pseudonym and not their real name if a problem with disclosure is raised with regards to sensitive information. This should be indicated if pseudonyms are used

Title of the interview

Title of the Interview

As an oral historian before you start any research project you must decide on the area of study and give it a title. This title is what will most likely be the title of your interview and should be included in the citing.

Interviewer’s Name

Interviewer's Name

The person conducting the study should be included in the citing.

Date and Place of Interview

Date and Place of Interview

The exact date and time and location of the interview should also be included for accurate reference.

Type of Interviewing Material

Type of Interviewing Material

This just indicates how you are collecting data, either through a recording device and also include, if the data will be transcribed later on.


Citing your sources just indicates where you got particular ideas or bits of information and that they did not originate in your own head. Sometimes this is called giving credit, attributing, or referencing. Citations need to be brief as it is hard to digest the citation while evaluating the information.

I do hope this blog has been helpful. Please feel free to contact us for any further clarification or questions you may have.

Kindly consider us for any of your transcription needs and remember always be kind, try to stay positive and learn to unwind.

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