Top 5 Tips on How to Make the Most of your interviews Using Microsoft Teams

Of course, conducting interviews via Microsoft Teams also requires some preparation and best practices. Here are some tips to help you make the most of your online interviews using Microsoft Teams

– Test your equipment and internet connection before the interview. Make sure your camera, microphone, and speakers are working properly and that you have a stable and fast internet connection. You don’t want to deal with technical issues during the interview.

– Choose a quiet and professional background. Find a place where you won’t be disturbed or distracted by noise or people. You can also use the background blur or background effects feature in Microsoft Teams to hide any clutter or unwanted elements in your surroundings.

– Dress appropriately and maintain eye contact. Even though you are not meeting in person, you still want to make a good impression and show respect to the candidate. Dress as you would for an in-person interview and look at the camera when you speak. This will help you build rapport and trust with the candidate.

– Prepare your questions and agenda ahead of time. Have a clear plan of what you want to cover and how much time you want to spend on each topic. You can also share your agenda with the candidate beforehand, so they know what to expect. This will help you keep the interview focused and structured.

– Follow up with the person you are interviewing after the interview. Send a thank-you note to the interviewee and let them know the next steps after the interview. You can also ask for their feedback on the online interview experience and how they felt about using Microsoft Teams.

That’s it for this blog, I do hope it was helpful. If you don’t already have a Microsoft teams account kindly check out my blog on how to sign up for one one. Get in touch with any questions you may have or any oral history transcription services you may require, and remember to always be kind, stay positive and learn to unwind.

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